Wednesday, November 6th

Thirty Days of Praise
I didn't know my grandparents very well; I don't have very many memories of either my mom's parents or my dad's parents.  My maternal grandparents died when I was a tiny baby; my paternal grandmother passed away when I was only 5.  I had my grandfather for some years, but I never got to know him very well.  From what I've been told, my mother's parents loved the Lord and served God to the best of their ability.  My paternal grandparents were very devoted to righteousness, too.  Unfortunately, I didn't know either set of grandparents well enough at all to testify personally of their walks with Christ.  I like to imagine though that my grandparents called my name in prayer asking God to save my soul...begging God to bring conviction to my heart.  I know SOMEBODY was praying for me.  God's grace and protection, even when I was lost, was no accident.  I firmly believe someone prayed for me.  Someday I'll know who it was that pressed on in prayer until the Lord saved me.  Maybe it was my grandparents.  But, I know it's what I'm doing for my sweet grandbabies.  By God's grace, Raylen, Colten, and Skylee will know first-hand that Grammy's faith in Jesus was the first priority in her life.  They'll know the comfort of having grandparents who pray for them daily.  Do you have grandparents like that?  If you do, you've got something that's far more valuable than an inheritance of silver and gold. 

Godly grandparents---thank you, Lord!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
I Corinthians 2


  1. God blessed me with two amazing grandmothers - both of my grandfathers died before my parents were even married. I was blessed to have an Indian grandma and an American grandma...and they both loved India and me so much! Just being in their presence was special to me, for I did not get to see either of them nearly as often as the rest of my cousins did. I praise God that both of my grandmothers are waiting in Heaven for me. Besides my "real" grandparents, I praise God for several older couples who have looked after me as their own granddaughter. Perhaps you don't have a good relationship with your real grandparents - praise God for the elder people in your life who DO love you, care for you, and pray for you!

  2. I am very grateful for my grandparents while all of them have flaws they are truly amazing.

  3. I have such wonderful memories of my grandparents, and I thank God for the time he has allowed me to be with them
